Arts and Culture Week Celebrations

Arts and Culture Week Celebrations

Today was the last day of our first “Herzlia Culture Week”, filled with a variety of exciting cultural activities: Feel the Beat, Art exhibitions, Interactive displays, live paintings on canvas, walls and other surfaces and much more.  I congratulate every enthusiastic participant! Mazaltov.

I would like to highlight three major events:

The first is a special mention to the Herzlia Music Department and all their helpers for putting on a terrific show in “Feel the Beat 2023”.  Wow, what an enjoyment!

The second event was the opening of the permanent Herzlia Alumni Art Exhibition in memory of the late alumnus Carolyn Gadd, by our own HOD of Art and alumnus – Lauren Palte. This exhibition is located in the foyer and bridge corridor of the Herzlia High School Staff Room, exhibiting selected art pieces donated by the artists and professionally framed by FRAMED in Woodstock for the enjoyment of all.  This exhibition will grow when we select a top art piece from our matric group each year to be added to the exhibition.

The opening event was attended by a group of invited donors, family members of the artists and the parents of Carolyn Gadd, who also honoured us by placing a mezuzah on the entrance door to the exhibition. This specific mezuzah cover was painted by one of our own art pupils.

In addition to this, we opened the rotating Art Exhibition, which showcases current art pupils’ works professionally in the “Kristallnacht stairwell” behind the Herzlia High School Reception.  Current art will be changed continuously to afford many pupils the opportunity to have their works displayed.  It is a real honour to have your work selected for exhibition. Mazaltov to every pupil whose art is on show.

This beautiful masterpiece was painted under the management of Shani Judes by two well-known graffiti artists.  Shani is a respected Mural Artist Project Manager in Cape Town, with her own agency (SJ Artists) representing mural artists, sign writers and illustrators.  Read up more about SJ Artists here.

The actual painting took place in the days before Culture Week in full view of our pupils who could walk past on the contour path, take pictures as the process unfolded and send them to a shared folder. This allowed us to capture the event and we share the outcome with you here with great joy!

Shani also presented to our Grade 10 Art pupils on her journey and careers in the creative art space.

Finally – our Herzlia High School art pupils created their own mural on the specially prepared wall at the “Student Pause Area” behind the Upper Campus hall.  As soon as this piece is completed, we will share it on our Social Media platforms.

May all of the above contribute to a thriving appreciation of Herzlia Culture, Arts and Heritage.

Andries van Renssen
Executive Director


Featured News

2024 Matric Results

Mazaltov Class of 2024, we celebrate you and look forward to watching your continued growth and contribution to the world.

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