On 29 October 11 members from the 1982 matric year group gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Lots of reminiscing, tributes and laughs were had.
Back row left to Right: Sharon Stillman (Rocklin), Wendy Miller (Cohen), Liora Cohen (Limon), Michelle Harwin (Brajtman), Michelle Sack (Breskal), Jennifer Roy, Claudia Baruch. Front Row: Steven Stein, Wayne Tworetsky, Terence Schwartz and Aubrey Stoch.
In April, a few members of the class of 1982 held a small reunion at Café Riteve in Cape Town. Lauren (Barnett) Dorfman was visiting from Australia and organised a catch up for those who could attend in person. Geoff Cohen joined them and the feedback was that it was a really special evening enjoyed by all. What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday, reminiscing with your school mates about old school days!