General Statistics:
- 93 matric candidates
- 100% pass rate
- 339 Individual subject distinctions
- Our best ever Matric aggregate
- No subject failures
- An average of 3.6 distinctions per candidate
- All pupils on the Educational Support programme passed with a Bachelor’s Degree
We are delighted with the exceptional achievements of our 2021 matric group with matriculants all over the country have had a diminished and impoverished educational experience for the two benighted COVID years. Nevertheless, in any year these results would have been noteworthy; in the light of the extraordinary challenges this group have endured, the results of the 2021 group are truly commendable. And interestingly, the 2021 group achieved the highest aggregate ever achieved by any Herzlia matric cohort; a truly outstanding achievement.
As we note every year, all pupils, irrespective of the distinctions they achieve, deserve to be commended for their resilience, their grit, their focus and their dedication to several years characterised by change, loss, grief, but also by adaptability, determination, innovation and camaraderie.
The role of all their teachers, from the start of this group’s school career, deserves to be recognised, but particularly during these last year rather tricky years.
It is necessary and important to note and commend the dedication, adaptability and unquestioned investment in each of our matric cohort of 2021’s teachers and a level of support far beyond the normal. It is also important to recognise the extraordinary work of the Counselling and Educational Support Department (SEED) which have helped and supported so many students (and their parents) and the teaching staff, not just academically but in every aspect of their last challenging years at school. These professionals are one of the greatest strengths, privileges and resources of Herzlia’s considerable educational offerings.
Parents have also played a vital role (almost certainly more than in any high school year in the past) in supporting, encouraging and nurturing their children through this stressful time, supporting the school and helping their children navigate their way through this unusual learning experience.
As noted every year, while it is fitting to celebrate these outstanding results, particularly the high marks and the distinctions, these statistics are not the whole story. For many pupils who are part of our inclusive school, their matric results need to be understood in their specific context and we are often more proud of these less difficult to discern triumphs than the more obvious achievements.
It is also important to remember that our school is extremely privileged. We have the resources, the staff and the infrastructure to ensure that our teaching and learning programme has been far less disrupted than many other schools. For this, we are extremely grateful and we recognise and thank the Board and all the support departments of the organisation service providers who have all ensured that we have had all the support we could have wished for.
Education is about these results, but also about the values, skills, habits and relationships that our pupils take out into the world after they leave their school.
Mazaltov to our matric group of 2021.
Marc Falconer
High School Principal
Subject Distinctions
Subject | Number of Distinctions | Subject
Average |
Number of candidates |
Accounting | 10 | 89 | 12 |
Afrikaans | 17 | 69 | 88 |
Business Studies | 15 | 70 | 38 |
Computer Applications Technology | 3 | 70 | 14 |
Consumer Studies | 3 | 74 | 10 |
Drama | 11 | 88 | 13 |
Economics | 32 | 85 | 41 |
English | 39 | 76 | 93 |
Hebrew | 6 | 82 | 8 |
History | 26 | 87 | 31 |
Information Technology | 19 | 81 | 29 |
Life Orientation | 58 | 80 | 93 |
Life Sciences | 14 | 74 | 34 |
Maths Literacy | 18 | 78 | 36 |
Maths | 26 | 76 | 57 |
Advanced Programme Maths | 2 | 77 | 7 |
Science | 15 | 80 | 23 |
Tourism | 7 | 84 | 10 |
Visual Art | 17 | 88 | 20 |