Directors’ Award: Educator of Excellence

Directors’ Award: Educator of Excellence

Mazaltov Yael Ayache!

The Directors’ Educator of Excellence award is presented annually to an educator at Herzlia who has consistently made a significant difference in the lives of our pupils as well as making a positive impact on their day-to-day lives at the school.

This year’s recipient is Yael Ayache, an alumna who has proven herself to be a true Herzlian over many years. Yael is also a talented and passionate teacher who takes huge pride in her work and creates excitement about JLL. 

Yael’s teaching career began at Herzlia in 2002 and she has since made a remarkable impact in the critical areas of JLL and Hebrew. Her first role as a teacher was at the Middle School for 9 years where she became an integral member of the Hebrew department, sharing her love for Hebrew. She then transferred to Highlands Primary in 2011 and immediately became a valued member of the Highlands Primary staff endeared to pupils, parents and staff alike. Her skills as a leader were noted and, in 2023, she was promoted to Head of JLL at Highlands and at the start of 2024 she took on the additional role of Head of Hebrew. 

She has been instrumental in creating a Jewish atmosphere and ethos of Yiddishkeid at Highlands Primary and is a much-loved educator and colleague.


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