Mr Raymond Ackerman has served as a United Herzlia Schools Trustee for 20 years and last year resigned from this position. In honour of his dedicated and steadfast years of service we invited him, his family and other Trustees to the school to pay tribute to this remarkable man! During the lunch guests were entertained by Herzlia’s magnificent vocal ensemble that performed three spell binding musical items.
Trustee Chairman, Philip Krawitz acknowledged Mr Ackerman’s remarkable tenure and articulated Herzlia’s appreciation for his positive contribution, commitment and generosity to our schools. In his eloquent address, Mr Ackerman acknowledged Herzlia’s extraordinary growth over the past 20 years. He reinforced the critical role we have in Jewish education and he articulated both his and his wife’s Wendy’s wishes to continue their association with Herzlia in the future!
On behalf of The Herzlia Foundation Trust and United Herzlia Schools we wish Mr Ackerman everything of the very best on all his future endeavours and are deeply appreciative for his wisdom, guidance and commitment!
Tax Benefits of Donating to The Herzlia Foundation Trust
United Herzlia Schools is the sole beneficiary of The Herzlia Foundation Trust PBO No. 930038539
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United Kingdom
Donors can apply for a GiftAid form if they donate through EuroChai SA. Please contact Ralph Frank if you require further assistance.
United States of America
Donors can receive tax benefit if they donate via the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego. Please ensure designation of funds is “Friends of Herzlia”.