Exciting News from Herzlia

Exciting News from Herzlia


It is with great excitement that Fress opened its doors at Weizmann Primary this week. All Herzlia staff gathered there on Monday morning to have a fresh cup of Bootleggers coffee (available at all Fress canteens), to view and celebrate the completion of the Weizmann Primary upgrades, and to start the term with a Staff Development session.  See the links below:

Tap Tuck – all you need to know about the new Fress Canteen phone app.

Fress Take Home menu

AQUATIC CENTRE (מרכז מים) at Herzlia High School Construction on the centre has started.  The process of hoarding off the site is underway. They are busy emptying the pool. As the construction process will take approximately 9 months, we ask you for your patience and cooperation to limit the associated disruptions.

Let’s look forward to a beautiful end result.

Important: The access route for construction vehicles is MH Goldschmidt Avenue. We obviously don’t want any cars damaged by trucks or anyone injured, so we respectfully request that you do not drop off your child in or in front of this road, but make use of the bottom gate in Deerpark Drive until further notice.

Parking in MH Goldschmidt Avenue is also not advisable.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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As you know we have an amazing Innovation Centre and Esport Lab.  The look-and-feel was temporary though. During this holiday the construction was completed from start to finish.  The outcome is astonishing!


The stunning upgrades were completed this holiday.  The furniture arrived and was professionally placed on Friday and it is just amazing.  Upgrades include: Main building facade, pupil and adult bathrooms, sports bathrooms, Weizmann foyer and reception area, staff room with outdoor deck, kitchens, board room, Weizmann kikar (quad), outside wall and entrances, and gardens.



Featured News

2024 Matric Results

Mazaltov Class of 2024, we celebrate you and look forward to watching your continued growth and contribution to the world.

Tax benefits

Tax Benefits of Donating to The Herzlia Foundation Trust

United Herzlia Schools is the sole beneficiary of The Herzlia Foundation Trust PBO No. 930038539

South Africa Donors are eligible for a Section 18 A tax certificate in respect of donation to the Foundation (depending on the terms of the donation within our discretion). Please contact hft@herzlia.com if you require assistance.

United Kingdom Donors can apply for a GiftAid form if they donate through EuroChai SA. Please contact Ralph Frank rjf156@yahoo.com if you require further assistance.

United States of America Donors can receive tax benefit if they donate via the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego. Please ensure designation of funds is “Friends of Herzlia”.

Canada Donors can receive tax benefits if they donate through UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. Please ensure allocation of funds is written “The Herzlia Foundation Trust” on your donation & tribute form. Please contact Eyal Golan eygolan@ujafed.org if you require further assistance.

Australia Donors can receive tax benefits if they donate through Chai Charitable Foundation.