2023 Matric Results

2023 Matric Results

Shalom Herzlia Community

General Statistics for Herzlia High School Matric Class of 2023:

  • 72 Matric candidates
  • 100% Matric pass rate in an academically inclusive school
  • 257 Individual subject distinctions, with 9 of these distinctions being achieved in Further Studies of Mathematics and English
  • An average of 3.6 distinctions per candidate, including Further Studies in Mathematics and English.
  • 2023 NSC National Top Candidate in South Africa for Independent Schools, with a total of 9 distinctions out of 9 subjects, including Further Studies English and Mathematics
  • 9 subject distinctions: 1 pupil
  • 8 subject distinctions: 4 pupils
  • 7 subject distinctions: 10 pupils
  • 6 subject distinctions: 6 pupils
  • 5 subject distinctions: 6 pupils
  • 4 subject distinctions: 11 pupils
  • 3 subject distinctions: 5 pupils
  • 2 subject distinctions: 6 pupils
  • 1 subject distinction: 9 pupils

We are exceptionally proud of the incredible achievements of our 2023 Matric Class. These results are phenomenal in light of the turbulent times with which our pupils were faced. They are a really tight-knit group with an incredible spirit and love for Herzlia, especially Herzlia pride and embracing the values of Jewish life.

We are so pleased to celebrate our high achievers and their academic distinctions, however, it’s important to remember that these achievements are part of a bigger picture. Many pupils have faced significant challenges along their educational journey. Their success is not just a mark of their hard work and persistence, but also of their remarkable ability to keep going despite these challenges.

Kudos must be given to the Herzlia teachers who have supported our matric pupils on their academic journey. Their commitment and always going the extra mile has been instrumental in their success. The work of Herzlia’s Counselling and Educational Support Department (SEED) has provided invaluable support, care and guidance to pupils and their parents, as well as to the teaching staff. Their contribution is a significant part of what makes our school’s educational experience so powerful. The fact that Herzlia is an academically inclusive school makes our matric results even more impressive. This also includes 11 pupils who chose to extend themselves through writing IEB Further Studies Mathematics and English. We are proud of our offering of a truly holistic education, which is not only results-oriented but focuses on the values, skills and relationships that pupils develop over their time as part of our school community.

Our parents, as well as the Jewish community’s support, encouragement and guidance have been essential. We’re also thankful for the UHS Board’s continuous and unwavering support that keeps the school running smoothly.

The 2023 Matric results are not just about academic scores; they reflect the broader values, skills, and relationships that our pupils have developed during their time with us.

Mazaltov to our Matric class of 2023!


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2024 Matric Results

Mazaltov Class of 2024, we celebrate you and look forward to watching your continued growth and contribution to the world.

Tax benefits

Tax Benefits of Donating to The Herzlia Foundation Trust

United Herzlia Schools is the sole beneficiary of The Herzlia Foundation Trust PBO No. 930038539

South Africa Donors are eligible for a Section 18 A tax certificate in respect of donation to the Foundation (depending on the terms of the donation within our discretion). Please contact hft@herzlia.com if you require assistance.

United Kingdom Donors can apply for a GiftAid form if they donate through EuroChai SA. Please contact Ralph Frank rjf156@yahoo.com if you require further assistance.

United States of America Donors can receive tax benefit if they donate via the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego. Please ensure designation of funds is “Friends of Herzlia”.

Canada Donors can receive tax benefits if they donate through UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. Please ensure allocation of funds is written “The Herzlia Foundation Trust” on your donation & tribute form. Please contact Eyal Golan eygolan@ujafed.org if you require further assistance.

Australia Donors can receive tax benefits if they donate through Chai Charitable Foundation.