2024 Matric Results

2024 Matric Results

Shalom Herzlia Community,

General Statistics:

  • 100% Matric pass rate in an academically inclusive school
  • 80 matric candidates wrote the National Senior Certificate (NSC)
  • 253 Individual subject distinctions
  • 3.2 distinctions on average/per candidate, including Further Studies Mathematics and English
  • Remarkable achievements in elective subjects include:
    • 100% of the candidates in Accounting received a distinction
    • Over 90% of the candidates in History received a distinction
    • Over 80% of the candidates in Information Technology received a distinction

Pupil Distinctions Summary:

  • 8 distinctions: 1 pupil
  • 7 distinctions: 6 pupils
  • 6 distinctions: 9 pupils
  • 5 distinctions: 9 pupils
  • 4 distinctions: 13 pupils
  • 3 distinctions: 9 pupils
  • 2 distinctions: 8 pupils
  • 1 distinction: 9 pupils

We proudly announce and acknowledge the achievements of every individual pupil. Our diverse curriculum provides opportunities for all of our pupils to thrive, reflecting our dedication to fostering an inclusive and supportive educational environment. We celebrate and value each pupil’s success and personal growth.

The outstanding results signal a promising future for our pupils and highlight our commitment to fostering deep thinking and mathematical proficiency and digital literacy. Remarkably, every pupil who took Accounting achieved an A, over 90% of pupils who wrote History achieved an A and more than 80% of those who took IT achieved an A.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who have supported our pupils throughout their journey: our dedicated teachers, the SEED Department (Supporting Educational and Emotional Development), and our engaged parent body who have all played vital roles in guiding and nurturing our pupils.

We also offer our deepest gratitude to the Board of Governors for their unwavering support, generous time investment, and steadfast dedication.

This cohort has meaningfully contributed to strengthening school spirit, enriching the broader Jewish community, and making a positive impact on the world.

Mazaltov Class of 2024, we celebrate you and look forward to watching your continued growth and contribution to the world.


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Tax Benefits of Donating to The Herzlia Foundation Trust

United Herzlia Schools is the sole beneficiary of The Herzlia Foundation Trust PBO No. 930038539

South Africa Donors are eligible for a Section 18 A tax certificate in respect of donation to the Foundation (depending on the terms of the donation within our discretion). Please contact hft@herzlia.com if you require assistance.

United Kingdom Donors can apply for a GiftAid form if they donate through EuroChai SA. Please contact Ralph Frank rjf156@yahoo.com if you require further assistance.

United States of America Donors can receive tax benefit if they donate via the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego. Please ensure designation of funds is “Friends of Herzlia”.

Canada Donors can receive tax benefits if they donate through UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. Please ensure allocation of funds is written “The Herzlia Foundation Trust” on your donation & tribute form. Please contact Eyal Golan eygolan@ujafed.org if you require further assistance.

Australia Donors can receive tax benefits if they donate through Chai Charitable Foundation.