Herzlians Win Again at Tournament of Minds!

Herzlians Win Again at Tournament of Minds!

Tournament of Minds (TOM) – is a problem-solving competition that is one of the enrichment highlights of the year for Herzlia pupils at primary and high school levels. Pupils have six weeks to solve their challenges creatively and collaboratively and prepare to present to a judging panel. 

TOM is a series of enquiry-based learning challenges across various disciplines like STEM, social sciences, language and literature and arts and culture.

It would have absolutely been a little “tougher” this year, as all teams from all cities were involved in ONE nationwide tournament, competing against a far greater number of teams in each category, not just the schools in their region.

Three sets of results acknowledge the Winners, Honours Certificates and Merit Certificates.

Cape Town winner: Herzlia High School 

Overall Winner of all High Schools: Herzlia High School Team 1 (Gr7-9)

Top 5 Teams Spontaneous Scores for High School included:
Herzlia High School Team 4 (9.1)
Herzlia High School Team 3 (8B)

Top 5 Teams Spontaneous Scores for Primary School included:
Herzlia Highlands Primary Team 1


  • HONOURS: LANGUAGE LITERATURE: Herzlia High School Team 3 (8B) 
  • HONOURS: SOCIAL SCIENCES: Herzlia High School Team 1 (Gr7-9)
  • HONOURS: SOCIAL SCIENCES: Herzlia High School Team 5 (9.2) 
  • MERIT: SOCIAL SCIENCES: Herzlia High School Team 4 (9.1)
  • HONOURS: SOCIAL SCIENCES: Herzlia Highlands Primary Team 1


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Mazaltov Class of 2024, we celebrate you and look forward to watching your continued growth and contribution to the world.

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United Herzlia Schools is the sole beneficiary of The Herzlia Foundation Trust PBO No. 930038539

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United States of America Donors can receive tax benefit if they donate via the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego. Please ensure designation of funds is “Friends of Herzlia”.

Canada Donors can receive tax benefits if they donate through UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. Please ensure allocation of funds is written “The Herzlia Foundation Trust” on your donation & tribute form. Please contact Eyal Golan eygolan@ujafed.org if you require further assistance.

Australia Donors can receive tax benefits if they donate through Chai Charitable Foundation.