Weizmann Rosh Hashanah Challah Bake

Weizmann Rosh Hashanah Challah Bake

This year’s challah bake at Weizmann Primary in honour of Rosh Hashanah was a combined school/P.A. (Parent Association) event with the P.A. sponsoring 1 kg of dough for each family at the school!

Around 132 screens joined which means around 65% of all at Weizmann Primary got challah-baking!

Anton Krupenia, Weizmann Primary Principal says “thank you to all those who participated in our “Rise to the Occasion” Rosh Hashanah Challah Bake. This event was part of building and maintaining our school community in conjunction with the Weizmann Parent Association. It was wonderful celebrating one of our favourite Jewish traditions, of making challah, together. We hope everyone enjoyed the demo and, as reflected in the round challot we made; our wish to you is for a year in which life and blessings continue without end.”


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